
Source unpack 2 missing interface
Source unpack 2 missing interface

It’s easiest to find and display this file from within R: To see R’s complete C API, look at the header file Rinternals.h. C interface, the old API defined in Rdefines.h, or rarely used language features. The contents of this chapter draw heavily from Section 5 (“System and foreign language interfaces”) of Writing R extensions, but focus on best practices and modern tools. You’ll need a little patience, but it is possible to read R’s C source code, and you will learn a lot doing it. You’ll need some basic C knowledge, which you can get from a standard C text (e.g., The C Programming Language by Kernigan and Ritchie), or from Rcpp. It’s useful to be able to figure out how those functions work, so this chapter will introduce you to R’s C API. However, many base R functions, and many functions in older packages, are written in C.

source unpack 2 missing interface source unpack 2 missing interface

Reading R’s source code is an extremely powerful technique for improving your programming skills.

source unpack 2 missing interface

You’re reading the first edition of Advanced R for the latest on this topic, see the R internals documentation.

Source unpack 2 missing interface